Seven and a half years ago I began searching for connections between the L.A. streets named for saints and the dozens of saints for whom they’re named. When I began, I had no idea what I would find – or even if I would find anything worthy of the time spent searching. Here I am, 100 paintings and eighty stories later, as this poetic and historical “road trip” through L.A. is fast becoming a book and a museum show. It feels good at this point to occasionally pull over by the side of the road and think....

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Oct. 21 - Feast Day of St. Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins

I received a nice, surprise email this evening, out of the blue, from a reader who saw someone else's blog posting about my art. The post in this particular blog, Abbey-Roads2, actually focuses on an adjacent series of mine, The Daily Life of the Virgin of Guadalupe. But from this series the writer, Terry Nelson, moves on to describe All the Saints and my work in general as "expressing the innate dignity of the individual person occupied in the mundane minutia of daily life." This is certainly one of the goals of All the Saints of the City of the Angels: great to see it described so poetically.

Turns out that Terry's post was inspired by an article he saw posted online earlier today at California Catholic Daily. And this article, in turn, appears to be based, in large part, on the very nice October 11th Los Angeles Times article that Deborah Schoch wrote about All the Saints and me. Of course, it is very gratifying to see all of the coverage and interest in this work!

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